Название проекта
Видео-разбор проекта
Компания: Название
Год: 2023

Название проекта — рассказываю о компании, чем она занимается и какие у неё основные направления, особенность
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
Аудитория, конкуренты и формирование УТП
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
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Что было до
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Логическая структура, работа по модели AIDA
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
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Что было до
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Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
Дизайн и концепция
Визуальный анализ, мудборд, концепция
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
Что было до
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Что было до
Скриншот сайта
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
Что было до
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Что было до
Скриншот сайта
Что было до
Скриншот сайта
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
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Тестирование сайта
Проверили все системы, интеграции, подключили сервисы
Good work takes time, commitment and close collaboration. We value long-lasting relationships where trust, openness and progress become the driver for the process. A shared set of values is essential.

The studio was born in 2016 with an ambition to create order in the increasingly more complex convergence between business and design. Based in Denmark we work with ambitious corporations, startups and individuals all over the world.
Что было до
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Что было до
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Отзыв клиента
который будет выглядеть на должном уровне и отображать ценности компании.

С самого начала общения радовала компетентность и заинтересованность в конечном результате. Очень много идей и предложений было озвучено и реализовано именно им.
“Очень хочется оставить отзыв и поблагодарить Барсукова Эдуарда. Обратились к нему с запросом создать сайт для презентации компании
На сегодня сделано уже 3 полноценных сайта для разных проектов. Уровень исполнения всегда на высоте, даже клиенты часто отмечают качество и стиль, такая реакция всегда радует.

Найти хорошего специалиста в этой области не просто, рекомендуем его, всегда и везде, за отзывчивость и экспертность! Желаем еще больше интересных проектов и благодарных клиентов”
Имя Фамилия
Владелец компании
Следующие проекты
Art Wellness Advocates. Арт-терапия
Art Wellness Advocates. Арт-терапия
ответственностью перед поставленными целями, которые стоят у нас в приоритете у каждого клиента. Обсудить проект
Данные проекты реализовали с
Мы повышаем
Данные проекты реализовали с ответственностью перед поставленными целями, которые стоят у нас в приоритете у каждого клиента. Обсудить проект
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